Environmental Policy for Embrace Steel Group: 

1. Introduction 

At Embrace Steel Group, we recognise the importance of environmental stewardship and the impact our operations can have on the environment.

As a steel fabrication group of companies, we are committed to conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner, minimizing our ecological footprint, and contributing to a sustainable future.

2. Compliance 

We are dedicated to complying with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and other requirements applicable to our operations.

This commitment extends to the prevention of pollution, conservation of resources, and continual improvement of our environmental performance.

3. Resource Conservation 

a. Energy Efficiency: We strive to improve energy efficiency in our manufacturing processes and invest in technologies that reduce energy consumption.

b. Water Conservation:
We implement measures to minimise water usage and adopt practices that reduce the impact on local water resources.

c. Raw Material Usage:
We optimise our use of raw materials, promote recycling initiatives, and explore sustainable alternatives where feasible.

4. Waste Management 

a. Waste Reduction: We are dedicated to minimizing waste generation through efficient processes and responsible resource management.

b. Recycling:
We actively promote and participate in recycling programs, both within our operations and in collaboration with our suppliers and customers.

5. Emissions Reduction 

a. Air Quality: We work towards reducing emissions from our manufacturing processes and invest in technologies that mitigate air pollution.

b. Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
We are committed to measuring and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, setting targets for improvement, and exploring renewable energy sources.

6. Environmental Education and Training 

We provide our employees with the necessary education and training to raise awareness of environmental issues and promote responsible practices in their daily activities.

7. Continuous Improvement 

We regularly review and update our environmental objectives and targets, seeking ways to improve our environmental performance and incorporating best practices within the steel fabrication industry.

8. Communication and Transparency 

We communicate our environmental policy to our employees, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders.

We also strive to be transparent about our environmental performance through regular reporting and engagement.

By adhering to this environmental policy, Embrace Steel Group aims to be a responsible corporate citizen, contributing to the well-being of the environment and the communities in which we operate.